Photon, Laser Tag, and Star Wars in Simpublica

I was recently featured in a list post of the “who’s who of people who’ve married gaming to movies,” alongside Roman Kroitor, Ernest Adams, and David Jones.

Simpublica calls me the “Laser Master,” and while I may have invented Photon, as I’ve stated publicly before, my inspiration for it was always Star Wars. Roman is the mega-force behind the “Force” of Star Wars, as well as the co-founder of IMAX, the movie theater experience that customers seem to love. Simpublica calls Ernest both the interactive storyteller and the Doctor, and who was a game designer, game author, and the founder of the International Game Developers Association.

Finally, there is David, who is the genius behind Grand Theft Auto and Lemmings; and while GTA is highly controversial, it has also been wildly successful. It is flattering to be equated with such brilliance, and though my talents brought Star Wars to life for many, each of these men have impacted the lives of millions.

See the full post on Simpublica